References for Jonathan Lu’s presentation at the American College of Phyicians NorCal poster session on 10/15/2022

Also, check out our full publication in Frontiers in Digital Health here.


  1. Lake Research Partners Coalition for Compassionate Care of California. Californians’ attitudes and experiences with death and dying. In: Final chapter: Californians’ attitudes and experiences with death and dying. (9 Feb 2012). Available at
  2. Li RC, Smith M, Lu J, Avati A, Wang S, Teuteberg WG, et al. Using AI to empower collaborative team workflows: two implementations for advance care planning and care escalation. NEJM Catalyst. (2022) 3:CAT.21.0457. doi: 10.1056/cat.21.0457 Link
  3. EPIC. Cognitive computing model brief: End of life care index. (2020 Jan). Available at:!68!95!100039705/from=Galaxy-Redirect
  4. Duan T, Anand A, Ding DY, Thai KK, Basu S, Ng A, et al. Ngboost: natural gradient boosting for probabilistic prediction. In: International conference on machine learning. PMLR. (2020). p. 2690–700. Available at:
  5. Randy Nhan BS, Lane S, Barragan L, Valencia J, Sattler A, Taylor NK. Validating self-identified race/ethnicity at an academic family medicine clinic. In: Society of teachers of family medicine 2021 conference on practice / quality improvement (2021 Sep 13). Available at:

Picture Credits

Doctor speaking with father and daughter:
Overwhelmed Doctor:
Doctor and Patient speaking: